Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Know I'll Hate Myself in the Morning...

A weekend away in the Countryside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This was taken at the end of September when Argentina is coming to the end of its winter as you can tell by these bare trees!
The sunset between the huge trees was a mixture of different colours that was enhanced by nature's silhouette. I spent most of the time outside trying to keep that on camera. Like almost all of my photographs, these are raw with no editing (except for rotating) after they were shot.

I used my second hand Fujifilm Finepix DSLR :)

 This is a different angle of the same trees in the late afternoon, also you can see showing the field and goal posts of the estate I was staying on.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fairy Tale Photography

I love this picture I took in the summer countryside of Holland...

It reminds of fairytales in the woods like the stories I read as a child.
When I look at it, I imagine rabbits and birds coming to life and Snow White or Sleeping Beauty coming out of nowhere.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Dream House

Who did not draw a HOUSE when they were a child?? It's the classic, best and also the easiest thing for us mere mortals to draw and as one of the many children who couldn't draw a la Caitlin Davies or Josh Schwelm (more on them another day and no Rachael I'm not copying you! :P) the only thing I continued to draw well was a house.
But the creativity didn't stop there. 
Along with my twin sister Rachael, (name drop alert: her blog is -check it out but not until you've finished reading this post first!) we would draw the house as if the front wall was missing, like the inside of a doll's house where you could see every room.
With our pencils and pens we would design each room to the specifics of our won dream houses.

Over the years we 

The Point

What would be the point in making a blog post if no-one was going to read it? Why make an electronic diary if you're not prepared for the whole world to either one day crash it or one day read it all at once? We're here only because we want to be. We like the sound of our own voice and we think that everyone and anyone should feel the same.

To be honest I would make a blog even if I thought no-one else would read it... And this is it.