Friday, June 22, 2012

My Favourite Things - Julie Andrews - Sound of Music THE REMIX

Julie Andrews-My Favourite Things- "The Sound of Music"


Julie Andrews, one of my favourite singers and actress. Exquisite voice, I could listen to her sing forever. She is one of the voices that I aspire to in my own singing.

Well I realise that you may not know a lot about me, and Julie Andrews does say "What things do you like..."

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
The sea's horizon the rain and thunderstorms
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Being in places I've never been before
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
Singing because of the pleasure it brings
These are a few of my favorite things                                                                                              These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Flowers on tea mugs and colourful stripes
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Men that are gentlemen, when people smile
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
Walking for miles, taking pictures of things
These are a few of my favorite things
These are a few of my favorite things
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
The accents in Ireland, in Wales, in Australia
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
The smell of new leather and cold air in winters
Silver white winters that melt into springs
The colours of autumn leaves and fairy wings
These are a few of my favorite things
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I lose things
When I'm feeling sad
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
I simply remember what God's given me
And then I don't feel so bad
And then I'm back to being rad!

[Repeat all verses]

Why not try your own? :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Some Thoughts On Homesickness From A Doctor

I travelled from the United Kingdom (UK) right down to ARGENTINA to live there for nine months and I've been living "down here" for about five months now.
I'll go into my reasons for doing this in detail another time...
When on skype with a friend from the UK earlier today, one of the first things he asked me was how homesick I was feeling (or not) and if I was feeling any better. I was a little surprised. We hadn't spoken for an entire week so I couldn't remember whether I'd confided in him about this at all.
But over the "Christmas Week" I had started to get a real bout of the ole homesickness. It had finally really hit me. I'm doing better now though. I don't feel it as much.
The thing is, since getting here, I've missed my friends a lot. That is due to the language barrier, not having anyone around me that I have known my whole life and suddenly living and working with a completely new group of people who aren't from my original country or culture. All of this has an impact on you-positive, negative or both.
But in comparison with a lot of people I know who are living and working in other countries, I'm doing okay. Not brilliant, but I haven't been plane-ticket shopping on the Internet yet either.

My advice? NEVER contemplate how far away you are. I just choose not to dwell on that. I don't stare at a map of the world and go "ohhh...". I'll look at a map, I haven't banned Atlases since getting here, but when friends ask on skype, I tell them I'm not thinking about the distance and as a result I've found they don't mention the specific distance. That helps a lot.

They'll be certain people, perhaps groups of people, that you really miss. They'll be some that even though it may surprise people in your new country, you barely miss or don't miss at all. Whatever your reasons for that are, don't feel guilty for missing some people more than others. Seriously, depending on your individual situation of course, worrying over that isn't going to make you miss someone more.

No matter who we are or what country we came from, when we go away to another place, we have a tendency to look back on our old life, town/city, job, friends, situations and attitudes surrounding us and think: "ahhh, well...maybe it wasn't that bad." It gets to the point where you remember the freezing winter in your old home, how much you loathed it and wished to escape and your new response in your new, warm, country is: "well the brisk air was always refreshing at 7am in the morning."
This will happen to you.
To use an English term, we look at it "through rose-tinted glasses." We skim over what we didn't like. We reminisce over something that we didn't think about before and all of a sudden-we love it! Call it new positive thinking or a disillusionment fueled by a small dose of illness for the homeland, you didn't want to go for a morning run in the buckets of rain before you left, did you?
I'll go into our tendency to do this, with a few more example of my experience of this, in another post!

I'll also mention homesickness again, because it's not just going to hit one time only. For now, following the good advice of friends who have and have not been there and done that; I try to keep reminding myself WHY I'M HERE. Living out of your original town, a brand new job, out of your original country, we all have our reasons for doing this. For me, "it felt like a good idea at the time" is a completely justifiable reason! It is my genuine reason for doing many things all the time! This time though, I have a somewhat deeper reason for living and working in another country. And for me this reason is so strong and powerful and convicting, that no matter what keeps happening and how I'm feeling, it's keeping my feet firmly planted where I am. I'm sticking this out.

As a result of this, I'm still having moments, after five months, where it hits me for a second and I think "wow, I live here!"

Hope this helps! (By the way, I'm not ACTUALLY a Doctor, but thanks for reading and I hope this managed to help you anyway!)